Brandy and Kevin


One + One = Three  

The Journey of First Time Parents


Monday, September 3, 2007
The Dates

Estimated Conception Date:

July 28, 2007. I'd like to say that this is just an educated guess, but we are positive. All the dates time perfectly to this day.

First Positive Pregnancy Test:

August 20, 2007. I took a test at work, because my period was more than a week late. I had taken 2 tests the week before, and they were both negative. I took 2 additional tests on August 21, just to make sure. They were positive as well. The first person that knew was Tina, my good friend from work. She came into the bathroom while I was crying, and figured out what was wrong. This was not planned. We had just decided to move, Kevin had a new job, and we had found our perfect house in a town about 2 hours away. I went to meet my DH at work immediately, and told him the news. He was about the same as me... in shock. Later that day, I called my parents, grandparents, and my friends Dave and Todd. Kevin called his parents that night too.

My Grandma dropped off a package by the front door that day. It was an adorable little pink three piece outfit with little teddy bears on it.

On Friday, August 31, 2007 Kevin and I went shopping in Quincy, and bought the baby's first toy, a furry little bear from the Baby section of Old Navy. I didnt get to be the first to get an outfit for our new baby, so I definately wanted to get him/her the first Toy.

Morning Sickness started last monday, August 27th. Although I didnt vomit until tonight, after eating rice and velveta cheese. Not sure why I am blogging this part of it, but I figure at some point, I may want to know about that kind of stuff. I don't plan to scrapbook any pictures of that.

My first appointment with Dr Maples is September 18th, and I plan to take the whole day off work, as I have been told that it is fairly common to bleed a little after each ultrasound, and I really don't want to have to deal with that at work. I'm going to try to blog all the important, and some not so important stuff as it happens. I am a scrapbooker, so I needed some place to keep all of my pregnancy stuff together so that I will have access to it later. I may even get Kevin to blog a little from his point of view. We shall see :)

posted at 8:40 PM by Brandy:: 0 comments: permalink

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