Brandy and Kevin


One + One = Three  

The Journey of First Time Parents


Monday, September 24, 2007
We Heard A Heartbeat!

Got home tonight and Brandy had been playing (again) with the doppler...and it resulted in happiness!

We heard Cletus' heartbeat! I'm a terrible percussionist, so I couldn't time it but I thought it was about 3:1 for baby to mommy beats, give or take. It is so much more real when you can HEAR your baby's heartbeat...rather than seeing a computer-generated image on the screen.

AND NOW I'M SCARED...what if I'm a bad daddy? I know it's instinctive and all, but now I've got a whole lot more responsibility than just my life and that of one other adult and two canines. A growing, living HUMAN BEING - that I helped create - depends on me and that other adult for guidance, knowledge, protection, and all of his or her basic needs. No pressure, huh?

posted at 9:39 PM by Kevin:: 0 witty replies :: permalink

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Like Brandy said somewhere else, a while since last post...

I hate being so busy...I know that this process is a long one that we will get used to, but I want to be around to help and to see the changes first-hand. Unfortunately, I'm stuck fulfilling my umpiring calendar which wraps up October 1st...I spent all day today on the ball diamond and I'm sunburned - oops. Have to do better at remembering sun-tan lotion when Cletus shows up.

Speaking of Cletus, the first doctor appointment was this week. We both like the doctor and got a photo of a blob that has what they identified as a heartbeat ;) It wasn't the earth-shattering experience, I suppose. I can't say for sure exactly WHAT I expected, but this wasn't exactly it. Brandy has told me I don't have to go to the next appointment, but I want to be sure I'm there for any and all future ultrasounds.

I'm looking forward to colder weather, simply for the opportunity to be inside and spending time with Brandy as she is going through these changes. I hate the fact that her work is so rough on her right now, but financially there's not much I can do about it and that truly bothers me. We had always said kidlets would come along when she could be a Stay-At-Home Mom...but we'll be plenty happy with our new addition right now. Additionally when I am home, we can get the nursery cleaned, painted, and furnished (anyone got a pile of coin lying around they want to donate for nursery furnishings?). I hope to have all of this ready to go, at least cleaned and painted, by Thanksgiving. We shall see. I hate spending the last few nice days inside when we could golf or be outside...that's the driving force for the rain.

In the meantime, congrats to Brandy's cousin who welcomed their first baby, a son, on Monday. The pictures are adorable W&J and we're jealous...hopefully N and our Cletus can be great friends for their entire lives! We hope to join you pretty close to April 20, 2008!

posted at 7:44 PM by Kevin:: 0 witty replies :: permalink

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Complete, Unmitigated Fear.....

Yup. That was my first reaction when Brandy showed up at work that Monday morning and showed me this little piece of plastic with lines on it that I did not completely understand what it was. She looked stressed so we went to a private office and she filled me in on just what the piece of plastic was - a positive pregnancy test.


You see, prior to this news, I was told that I should expect to be offered a new job within a week. We were planning to relocate to the St. Louis metro area. Everything was going to be different. Just not like THIS.

Within 24 hours, I started having a change of opinion. Much more accepting of the news, if nothing else. Happy would come later. We're going to be OK though. Now I'm ready for this. We talked about it quickly and thought that staying near family was important, as was being near known medical providers and saving accrued paid time off for the maternity or paternity leave...both of us have significantly more time right now than we would have had when we moved.

So that's the initial thought. As Brandy has mentioned, the first appointment is upcoming in about nine days. I'll try to throw some more thoughts up here before that time of the interim from notification to today. Needless to say, there have already been challenges and we're going to have known "Cletus the Fetus" is on his/her way for about a month before the first doctor's appointment.

posted at 6:57 PM by Kevin:: 0 witty replies :: permalink

Monday, September 3, 2007
The Dates

Estimated Conception Date:

July 28, 2007. I'd like to say that this is just an educated guess, but we are positive. All the dates time perfectly to this day.

First Positive Pregnancy Test:

August 20, 2007. I took a test at work, because my period was more than a week late. I had taken 2 tests the week before, and they were both negative. I took 2 additional tests on August 21, just to make sure. They were positive as well. The first person that knew was Tina, my good friend from work. She came into the bathroom while I was crying, and figured out what was wrong. This was not planned. We had just decided to move, Kevin had a new job, and we had found our perfect house in a town about 2 hours away. I went to meet my DH at work immediately, and told him the news. He was about the same as me... in shock. Later that day, I called my parents, grandparents, and my friends Dave and Todd. Kevin called his parents that night too.

My Grandma dropped off a package by the front door that day. It was an adorable little pink three piece outfit with little teddy bears on it.

On Friday, August 31, 2007 Kevin and I went shopping in Quincy, and bought the baby's first toy, a furry little bear from the Baby section of Old Navy. I didnt get to be the first to get an outfit for our new baby, so I definately wanted to get him/her the first Toy.

Morning Sickness started last monday, August 27th. Although I didnt vomit until tonight, after eating rice and velveta cheese. Not sure why I am blogging this part of it, but I figure at some point, I may want to know about that kind of stuff. I don't plan to scrapbook any pictures of that.

My first appointment with Dr Maples is September 18th, and I plan to take the whole day off work, as I have been told that it is fairly common to bleed a little after each ultrasound, and I really don't want to have to deal with that at work. I'm going to try to blog all the important, and some not so important stuff as it happens. I am a scrapbooker, so I needed some place to keep all of my pregnancy stuff together so that I will have access to it later. I may even get Kevin to blog a little from his point of view. We shall see :)

posted at 8:40 PM by Brandy:: 0 witty replies :: permalink

I am starting Late

I am starting this blog 7 weeks and 5 days late. That is how far along I am currently in this pregnancy. This will serve as my journal.

posted at 7:11 PM by Brandy:: 0 witty replies :: permalink

::Our Baby Blog Profile::

::Previous Posts::

It's A Boy!

We Heard A Heartbeat!


Complete, Unmitigated Fear.....

The Dates

I am starting Late


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September 2007

November 2007

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